
Hello, I am LuUeE, today, i teach you
a math equation, this is called
"The theory behind getting a women"
So from the equation 1 from the above diagram.
Women = time X money
This is the equation to find women.
Time, yes, i got 5 minutes.
And money i also got. erm.
1 dollar.
SO now i will calculate.
5 minutes i have X 1 dollar i have = women.
2nd equation from the above diagram
Time = money
5 minutes = 1 dollar
Now since 5 minutes = 1 dollars means
i can sustitude it in the equation 1 which is
= 5 minutes i have (I sub here) X 1 dollar i have
now, Women = 1 dollar X 1 dollar
Har, Women is only worth 1 dollar????
Hmm, after happily equating this amount
I got 1 dollar, so i am gonna get my women