Miss Baby Jee: Men... I just can't understand them...
A friend asked me a rather what I called common question (I'm not referring to you Edison *hint*) the other day that all tend to ask...
yes... I do... and today... consider yourselves lucky coz' I'm gonna list em' out...

Now my secret is revealed...
But this is not my main blog point for today...
Here's the thing...
Guys always tell me...
"I like my girl looking all natural w/out make up..."
but what if we're born ugly but we have the skill???
Should we not make use of our pretty skills to enhance our beauty???
What's up with men and their "I want my girl to be all natural" and "I hate seeing girls with make-up"??
Then don't watch porn lorr!! girls there put a shit load of make up what...
If you ask me... I don't like looking things that I don't like and I will not ever like it...
I suppose it's human nature to want to see pretty things...
And more often than not... I hear my guy friends complaining...
"e yer... I don like looking at her laaa... make-up so thick"
"ee yer... she so ugly... "(<--- girl w/out make-up)
"eee she looks ugly without her make-up"
Ok... fine... so what do you all like to see then??
You want us to not wax our legs and wear mini-skirts for you to see??
or you want us to no wax our thick eye-soring disfigured eyebrows??
And crapo... or are you jelous that we can cover up our pimples and you can't coz' if you do... you'll be called a GAY???
haha... C'mon... nothing in this world is natural... and it's a fact...
Ok la... if you're still not convinced try not wearing clothes, coz' god made us all naturally naked... and stop preventing natural sex by not wearing condoms... if natural is all you want...
Don't wipe your butt with tissue paper lo... use leaves instead.
I don't see most of you helping the nature...I see an increasing number of inconsiderate people smoking everyday... and trying to choke me to death (so unatural if I die like this) so why ask for natural things when you can't even handle reality??
WAke up... and lastly, If you want natural things... I'll give u a very nice suggestion...
Go to your room....
Sit down and think of something like inventing a time machine that would bring you back to the stone age where Adam and Eve was born when things are all natural.
A friend asked me a rather what I called common question (I'm not referring to you Edison *hint*) the other day that all tend to ask...
"do you put make up??"
yes... I do... and today... consider yourselves lucky coz' I'm gonna list em' out...
1) My trusty Sun block

2) conseallor (I hope I got the spelling right)

3) My eye-lash pretty-mizer mascara

4) Lipstick

Now my secret is revealed...
But this is not my main blog point for today...
Here's the thing...
Guys always tell me...
"I like my girl looking all natural w/out make up..."
but what if we're born ugly but we have the skill???
Should we not make use of our pretty skills to enhance our beauty???
What's up with men and their "I want my girl to be all natural" and "I hate seeing girls with make-up"??
Then don't watch porn lorr!! girls there put a shit load of make up what...
If you ask me... I don't like looking things that I don't like and I will not ever like it...
I suppose it's human nature to want to see pretty things...
And more often than not... I hear my guy friends complaining...
"e yer... I don like looking at her laaa... make-up so thick"
"ee yer... she so ugly... "(<--- girl w/out make-up)
"eee she looks ugly without her make-up"
Ok... fine... so what do you all like to see then??
You want us to not wax our legs and wear mini-skirts for you to see??
or you want us to no wax our thick eye-soring disfigured eyebrows??
And crapo... or are you jelous that we can cover up our pimples and you can't coz' if you do... you'll be called a GAY???
haha... C'mon... nothing in this world is natural... and it's a fact...
Ok la... if you're still not convinced try not wearing clothes, coz' god made us all naturally naked... and stop preventing natural sex by not wearing condoms... if natural is all you want...
Don't wipe your butt with tissue paper lo... use leaves instead.
I don't see most of you helping the nature...I see an increasing number of inconsiderate people smoking everyday... and trying to choke me to death (so unatural if I die like this) so why ask for natural things when you can't even handle reality??
WAke up... and lastly, If you want natural things... I'll give u a very nice suggestion...
Go to your room....
Sit down and think of something like inventing a time machine that would bring you back to the stone age where Adam and Eve was born when things are all natural.
haha... Waa... you also know aR?? ehehhehhehhee... If I'm your sis, hahah everyday you will laugh at me cursing till you lausai... ahahhahhahhaha
HAHA.. Horny Amoh, My sis is no ordinary gal.. Look at her innocent face, thought she is a sweet gal. But then if she open her shirt just like clark kent. She become Super girl.
But just like superman's fear of krytonite. She only fears one thing.
i found it bro.go watch this clip with subtitles
haha.. Hadianto thank you very much. Btw, chill yea, have a nice day. nge nge nge..
Okay, finally Ah Jee's weakness has revealed =P We have to clone more cute guys from now on =P
Yea.. Just the sight of a cute guy, then Lu Jee already feel weak. nge nge nge... Hmm.. Mavero, i think from now on you should engineer cute guys too.
Got it Luuee~ Will send a large troops of I-CuteGuy to your house. What is her room's address again? =P
eee... so mean one... see mav... so hard u baru can read one of my blog entry now still wana bully me hoh... pinch ur piku then u know...eee... miss ur existance in my blog... sniff sniff...please get internet at home or smth mav... pleeaaasee DESPERATE please....kekekkekekek omg... am i dat desperate???kekekkekek
hahaha.. Mavaero, Yes, send me a million troops tommorrow. The design must be tall around 180cm. Not necessary big nen nen. Just got solid nen nen already can. Must model a bit like a korean. Yes, Lu Jee's room address, If you test fly your military planes, and see a pink house. That's hers room. N on the roof of her pink house write "ONLY CUTE GUYS ALLOWED!!!"
A million troops? Hahaha...her pinky house is going to runtuh soon~ :P And plz don't clone Ah Jee. Her fart will pollute the environment and even the sun light can't penetrate it :P
hahaha.. Mavaero, Hai you should use your engineering skills to create a fart sucker. Ah cute male model looking robotic man who sucks up fart.
n also after it suck up fart. It will say "I LOVE FART".
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