sEreNe: ya i noe u will read tis. HWHAHA
put itchy powder in his underwear*
Serene, I know your reading this.
Hmm, you dare touch my undies?? I always
sweat on it. The smell is so concentrated that
later you need many detergent just to
wash your hands.
But if you do put Itchy powder, and make me
itchy.. After i recover i will put many cockroach
in your butt crack. hahahah..
Cute pics that i found to be really funny..

My butt so shiny le.. I know you think it's
very sexy la.. Ya ba.. Serene, i din wear my
undy today coz you put itchy powder ba.

Ohh.. So cute.. That was Nonnie when she
was small, hmm, no wonder, Nonnie so notti
these days. And that's my straw, Nonnie..

Yes, this sign says it right, there is nothing but
sand.. I think Iwan drink all the water then no
water here only left sand.

New cool way of sleeping. If you got not enough
room, this room also can use for sleeping.
Very comfortable you know.

Goat, go in the water now.. Or else my friend
will stand there and show his muscle.
Emiily's and Serene's friend.. Not my friend.
make the girl feel like you're truly
interested in her as a human being - springing
all the moves on her before even knowing her
just makes a guy look desperate and tactless.
read on...
sEreNe: ya i noe u will read tis. HWHAHA
4 Oct 06, 19:35
sEreNe: *silently sabotage luuee when he slps,put itchy powder in his underwear*
Serene, I know your reading this.
Hmm, you dare touch my undies?? I always
sweat on it. The smell is so concentrated that
later you need many detergent just to
wash your hands.
But if you do put Itchy powder, and make me
itchy.. After i recover i will put many cockroach
in your butt crack. hahahah..
Cute pics that i found to be really funny..

My butt so shiny le.. I know you think it's
very sexy la.. Ya ba.. Serene, i din wear my
undy today coz you put itchy powder ba.

Ohh.. So cute.. That was Nonnie when she
was small, hmm, no wonder, Nonnie so notti
these days. And that's my straw, Nonnie..

Yes, this sign says it right, there is nothing but
sand.. I think Iwan drink all the water then no
water here only left sand.

New cool way of sleeping. If you got not enough
room, this room also can use for sleeping.
Very comfortable you know.

Goat, go in the water now.. Or else my friend
will stand there and show his muscle.
Emiily's and Serene's friend.. Not my friend.
make the girl feel like you're truly
interested in her as a human being - springing
all the moves on her before even knowing her
just makes a guy look desperate and tactless.
read on...
LUUEEE u stinky poopoo! u better don come singapore, wait i hunt u down in all the hostels and hotel and put itchy powder in ur WHOLE luggage, no clothes to wear.
Yes luuee, ur friends are my friends. so those fatties are my friends since they are ur besties. HAHA
AIyer, I so damn wish I looked like that when I was a kid lah. Blonde and fair.
Maybe I should marry an angmoh to have babies like that. Keke. Go dump Bobby now unless he can promise me he can "make" that kinda baby.
hahaha.. Serene.. Don know meh? Poo poo is very smelly one. Nan dau (otherwise) got nice smelling one. Mwahahaa..
When i come to Sg, i will kidnap you and put many cocokrach in your butt crack. Bring you back to malaysia show my friend. =p Take over your blog and call it. I-love-durian.blogspot.com mwhahaha..
hahaha.. Nonnie, Lets go to the US, tommorrow and capture a son for you. Mwahaha.. I am the expert capturing children.
But i think you and Bobby gonna be able to make a cute baby in the future. And i will teach him to do good things.. Like smoking, drinking, clubbing.. mwhahahaa..
And I will keep my baby at least 1km away from you.
Mwahahaha.. Nonnie, your son will surely come bak to uncle LuUeE coz got many nice things to do with me. hahaha.. Like play game for long hours and soso. hahaha..
Wahlau, u nonnie u tot i wont check ee blog ah? I dont want to 'make' that kinda baby. It would means the baby would lack some cells n when they born become blone evendo there r asian. Also i never experience an 'Ang Moh' before to make angmoh baby before tho...but i'l settle for chalie baby wit u.
PS: Luuee a.k.a ee I'l teach ur child how to strip tease next time ya hehe
Wah...better don't have any conflit at luuee's blog. Hahaha.
Btw, you did your best in the comedy performance. Just unfortunate that it was abit un-planned well.
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