Dedicated to Nonnie King..

Nonnie King, bet
you thought i 've
forgotten, Nope..
I remember.. and
this blog is specially
dedicated to you.
Some Poems...

----------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
to Nonnie, Happy Birthday to Nonnie,
Happy Birthday to Nonnie,
Happy Birthday to you...
Here inside this big cake is a gift..

TWO STRIPPEERS jus for you..
Sexy huh.. Shh.. don tell Bobby..

Hey Baby ,wanna come dip in with me,
LuUeE paid me big Bucks..
Thanks!!! I'm so happy eh having an entry dedicated for me.
And as for the stippers, can you send them to my door?
hahaha.. D strippers.. I special order from Thailand.. Yes, I deliver them to your doorstep.. but i haven pay for the airport tax for their ticket to come to here.. hehehe..
I think, only 500rm.. But enjoy la. mwhahaha..
wah ogle gays ah. not enuf n must post ah. lolx :) uhmmm r u gay?
From Little Guy Big Kitchen
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