Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cool stuff i found from other blogs..

1. Any one wants to apply for this post..?

Wonder how much is the salary..
And how does my potential partner
look like???

Got this cool picture from KimKc..

2. This is a cool dog.. With this cool dog..
You do not need to worry about
Just one look at this dog.. all burglars..
will get frigthen and run away..

Yea, i am mean..
on the outside..
but.. i am soft
inside.. please
all lady dogs..
i am kind..
I desperately
need a date..
I have bling bling...

Got this from Cheeserland..

3. The cool bald one from KangKongBelacan..

I know i bald

Yea.. we are proud to have our hair still intact..
lookin at him.. he looks kinda like me..
Except he is more tan..

With that is this weeks cool stuff i found from
other blogs.. more cool stuff.. coming to a town
near you..


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