The wild Boar...

Now is 3 am. I was on bed, couldn't sleep. Decided to place a cd into the hifi. Listened using my headphones. And sang.
Then just 3 seconds into singing. My sis came in and said. OH SHIT!! it's u singing like the pig boaring. I shock, tot who. I was sleeping already. I think my singing is really not so good. Ok la. Can sing, but have voice too deep. Not soft enough. haha..
I remember that last time, when i was younger, whenever i call, that was primary 6. His father said " A man is calling." haha.. I always also wanted to be a singer. But i don think the wild boar sound is making it big. haha..
Koko was mean to do that.. :P Love, Lu Wee :P Haha..
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